DSIRE – www.dsireusa.org
DSIRE tracks renewable energy incentives and policies established by the federal government, state governments, local governments, larger utilities and a few non-profit organizations. DSIRE categorizes renewable energy incentives and policies into two groups:
- Financial Incentives include a variety of tax incentives, grants, loans, rebates, industry recruitment/support, bond programs, green building incentives, leasing/lease purchase programs and production incentives.
- Rules, Regulations & Policies include public benefits funds, renewable portfolio standards, net metering, interconnection, extension analysis, generation disclosure requirements, contractor licensing, equipment certification, solar/wind access laws, solar/wind permitting standards, construction & design standards (including building energy codes and energy standards for public buildings), mandatory utility green power options, and green power purchasing/aggregation policies.
- USDA – Rural Development http://www.rurdev.usda.gov/rbs/busp/9006grant.htm
The REAP/RES/EEI Grants Program provides grants for energy audits and renewable energy development assistance. It also provides funds to agricultural producers and rural small businesses to purchase and install renewable energy systems and make energy efficiency improvements. For information on federal funding opportunities for research & development and demonstration projects related to renewable energy or energy efficiency, visit the following web sites: