Wood Fired Forced Air Furnace

Controlling Business Costs

Managing fuel costs in the current climate of fluctuating fuel prices is difficult. Wouldn’t you like to reduce and control your fuel cost…and not just for this season, but for years to come? Convert your wood residue to fuel and immediately reduce your operating costs, but more importantly, gain control over ever-unpredictable and rising fuel prices. Imagine, one ton of dry wood is the BTU equivalent of 85 gallons of heating oil, 120 gallons of propane, and 115 therms of natural gas! Heating with wood is a proven investment for the long term.


Since 1985, this proven design has been heating commercial and industrial buildings with wood. Designed to last, the compact all-steel construction is ruggedly built to withstand years of hand-firing. Fireboxes are engineered with extra thick steel end walls, which unlike refractory fireboxes, will not crack and break with repeated hand-firing. In addition, our unique cylindrical firebox design allows for natural expansion and contraction thereby reducing stress on the steel. 

Efficient Combustion

When properly operated, our systems are virtually smoke-free. The afterburner chamber minimizes unsafe particle emissions by re-burning flue gases through four separate right angle turns, maximizing combustion efficiency. Smoke will not escape when loading wood either. An induced draft fan located at the top of the system creates negative pressure in the firebox causing flue gases to go up the chimney when the loading door is open. This feature enables many of our systems to be installed directly on the shop floor. 


The all-steel, simple, straightforward design makes the system easy to operate and maintain. Featuring front and rear access for cleaning, the system is easy to clean and operate.

Dependable Service

These furnaces have been successfully field-tested for over 30 years and we stand by our product. In fact, we invite you to talk with one of our many satisfied customers to get a feel for the advantages of using a Shop Heater. 

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